
Friday, March 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday, vol 2

I can hardly believe it's already Friday, what did I do this week? Anyway, let's see what quick takes I can type out while listening to Barney pandora station in the backround.....

1) So I just thought about it for 5 seconds and yep, did a whole lot of nothing this week. We took naps, didn't go to storytime at the library or playgroup, ordered pizza for dinner, soothed the cranky teething boy, and soothed again. And that about sums it up.

2) I had two big prayer intentions answered this week and have been standing in awe of God's goodness and mercy ever since. Saying many prayers of thanksgiving, He is so good. 

3) The circus is coming in a few weeks and I CAN'T WAIT! The kids might still be kinda young, but I don't care. And I think they are still going to love it. They love animals! Seeing elephants and monkeys up close, they won't know what to do with themselves. 

4) This Sunday a good friend will be in Baltimore so we are going to meet up with her for lunch, which will be super fun, and then I've convinced a certain husband that we really should stop in at the Once Upon a Child nearby. His favorite type of outing. 

5) Please tell me spring weather is right around the corner, these kids and I need to get outside. And I know I just complained about how whimpy we are after visiting our family in Canada....but in my defense, it's been SUPER windy. We tired going out the other day and the kids just walked back into the house. 

6) When I make a batch of choc chip cookies, I freeze two tubes of the dough. It's great to only make a dozen at a time, and then when a craving hits, there it is, ready and waiting to pop in the oven. My grandma taught me this trick. Well, I'm thinking about the dough left in the freezer and it's enough for about 6. What? I may or may not eat frozen cookie dough on a particularly bad day with the kids. Anyway, I think those 6 need to get in the oven, stat. 

7) Oh and will I be cooking fish for dinner tonight? Nope, I promised Hailey pancakes and I am a mother of my word. Have you seen the McDonalds fish commercials? Somehow I find them annoying. 

Well, that's quite enough randomness for one day. Go see Jen and her gang for more.

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